Post by Mok-Kong Shen
Why should anyone care? And what digital encrytption scheme is not based
on bits, permutations, and dynamic byte substitution (whatever that
means). You still seem to think that the world is crying out for an
encryption scheme, any scheme, no matter how badly designed, rather than
being awash in really really good schemes. Availability of encryption is
not a problem. Even availability of good schemes.
Now if you had spent years studying the current good schemes, were
highly experienced in discovering the weaknesses of really good schemes
and had come up with a novel scheme that amelioratied those weaknesses
which remaining blazingly fast (since encrypting GB of data is not
unusual these days) and did not introduce its own weakensses, someone
might be interested. But an amateur, resistent to learning , with zero
expertese or experience-- why should anyone care.